Who to blame for M’sia’s worst road crash

Apart from sweeping the multi-billion-ringgit Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal skeletons under the carpet on Day 1 of his appointment, he has done nothing else but politicking.

By Jackson Ng (Former Journalist) 

MALAYSIA’S worst ever road crash claimed 27 lives yesterday (Dec 20, 2010) when a double-deck tour bus crashed and toppled into a ravine on its way down Cameron Highlands.

Of course the culprit to blame is the driver for losing control of the tour bus. But, this does not mean no one else can be blamed, directly or indirectly, for the tragedy.

The authorities, especially the transport ministry and the police, are directly responsible for road safety enforcement. They are therefore directly responsible for the tragedy for lack of control and enforcement.

In the first place, had they ever considered whether a double-deck bus should be allowed to ply such a hilly terrain? Where
are the experts in police force and the ministry? Or they do not have any?

In other developed countries and more civil governments like Japan and South Korea, the transport minister would have
tendered his resignation. Don’t expect that to happen in Malaysia. Kong took over as transport minister in June and we have had fatal road crashes almost every month. Of course it is not fair to blame Kong. But what has he done since June?

Apart from sweeping the multi-billion-ringgit Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal skeletons under the carpet on Day 1 of
his appointment, he has done nothing else but politicking.

The Malacca “MCA” vehicle registration number plates was his top priority but it turned out to be a non-issue and an
embarrassment to himself.

Kong thought he could use the “reserved MCA” numbers to the deliver a “knock out” punch on his predecessor Dato’ Sri
Ong Tee Keat. It turned out that Kong simply did not check his facts and had to retreat quietly when it was found that Ong had actually rejected the proposal to reserve “MCA” plates to his party members.

Clearly, Kong seems to be too engrossed with his internal party squabbles and fighting the shadow of his predecessor. He has thus neglected his work and responsibility as a transport minister because he has got all his priorities wrong.

Please wake up sleepy head Kong and show some work in the ministry. Or else, can you just ship out.
