WikiLeaks: Malaysia on NZ radar screen

By FMT Staff

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has been on New Zealand immigration’s radar screen for illegal immigrants since 2006 after 20 people were detained during a nine-month investigation ending in March 2007, according to online whistleblower WikiLeaks.

It reported that a confidential document on the nation’s action plan against human trafficking had identified Malaysia, Hong Kong and South Korea as hotspots for illegal immigrants.

“In the case of Malaysia, while migrants are circumventing border control, New Zealand immigration is effectively identifying these cases through brothel raids.

“GNZ will continue to monitor Malaysia’s visa free travel status and rescind it if that proves the only way to more effectively manage illegal migration from that country,” the report said.

The WikiLeaks report, which was carried by an online newsportal, also noted that although New Zealand had “little or no trafficking problems”, it was nonetheless monitoring all “suspicious” travel.

Detailing the situation, the report said between June 2006 and March 2007, 20 illegal immigrants exiting Malaysia managed to slip through New Zeland’s Advance Passenger Processing (APP) system.

The APP requires airlines to identify passengers who may be seeking to enter New Zealand illegally before they board an overseas flight.


