‘Pak Lah covered up minister’s rape case’

By Nazli Ibrahim, Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: In a startling new development, online whistleblower WikiLeaks has purportedly revealed that former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi covered up a rape case involving one of his ministers.

WikiLeaks is said to have unveiled a series of diplomatic whisper about the minister allegedly having raped his Indonesian maid three years ago.

According to popular blog Rocky’s Bru, an international non-governmental organisation had also reported that the alleged rape happened in Kuala Lumpur.

The report, copies of which were sent to the United States and Indonesian embassies here, included an interview with the alleged victim from Central Java.

A copy of the report was also submitted to the Prime Minister’s Office then.

The blog stated that the maid, a mother of two, had been employed by the minister, a veteran Umno politician, for eight years.

The NGO’s report claimed that her husband knew of the incident but the couple refused to press charges because of fear and shame.

According to the purported WikiLeaks disclosure, Abdullah had decided to keep the matter under wraps because he was worried that the issue could affect Malaysia’s dicey ties with its neighbour.


