Disneyland vs PKNS Land

If the trip to Disneyland was brought to SELCAT, then shouldn’t the giving away of PKNS land merit the same treatment? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Unless, of course, one believes that corruption is kosher once blessed by a leader sent by God.

By Pieter D’Cruz

It has been two days since the exposé of the shady dealings between Khalid Ibrahim, the Selangor Menteri Besar and Azmin Ali, the Deputy President of PKR over a piece of PKNS land in Section 52, Petaling Jaya. Two days and not a single word from either of them. The silence is deafening.

When Khir Toyo, the previous Menteri Besar, was alleged to have used state funds to pay for a trip to Disneyland, PKR leaders went to town crying thief. Yet when the present Menteri Besar gave away PKNS land to a crony, the PKR leadership chooses to be quieter than a church mouse.

If the trip to Disneyland was brought to SELCAT, then shouldn’t the giving away of PKNS land merit the same treatment? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Unless, of course, one believes that corruption is kosher once blessed by a leader sent by God.

And they have the audacity to promise 10 reforms within 100 days if given the powers to govern the country. The only change to Selangor, a state that they have ruled for more than 1000 days, is a new line-up of cronies.

Yes, it’s the season for giving and forgiving but, no, giving away a piece of land owned by the rakyat is not on my gift list and hypocrites are not on my list of people to be forgiven.

Wishing Malaysians of the Christian faith A Merry Xmas and all Malaysians, A Happy New Year. May the Good Lord bless and protect our beloved country.
