Hindraf urges Indians to abstain from voting in GE

By Athi Shankar, Free Malaysia Today

GEORGE TOWN: Ethnic Malaysian Indians should abstain from voting in the 13th general election unless the constituency offers a candidate from the Human Rights Party (HRP), which is the the political axis of Hindraf Makkal Sakti, said its chairman P Waythamoorthy.

London-based Waythamoorthy said it was time for ethnic Indian voters across the country to teach existing political blocks – Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat – a lesson in electoral politics.

Accusing both BN and Pakatan of duping Indian voters, he said both blocks had a similar political agenda and attitude towards the Indian community in the country.

“They want Indians to support them merely to win election, after which the community is abandoned, deserted and forsaken like a trash bin.

“When they (Indians) abstain, both winners and losers would know the results were owed to ethnic Indian boycott.

“Only then both BN and Pakatan will realise and comprehend the value of Indian voters in their quest for political power,” he told FMT.

Waythamoorthy brushed aside suggestions that a boycott would undermine Indian political strength and importance in future.

“I disagree. A boycott will indeed strengthen the Indian political bargain for the following election,” he said.

He said Hindraf was not fighting for short political gains but were committed to ending all types of discrimination and marginalisation against the minority ethnic Indians.

“We are seeking for far reaching long term gains and benefits for the community,” he said.

He pointed out that Hindraf proved a political point on block-voting in the last general election when it called on and campaigned successfully for ethnic Indians to vote for Pakatan.

“Heeding to our call, an overwhelming Indian voters backed Pakatan then.

“But like their BN counterparts for past 53 years, Pakatan leaders and elected representatives have all been ungrateful.

“They have neglected and ignored the interests, rights and benefits of Indian community at their perils.

“Hence, there is no reason for Indians to back any of them,” he said.

No freebies

He said this time around Hindraf would not serve anymore free lunches for any political coalitions.


