Does Pak Lah Know Or Not?

By Another Brick In The Wall

At one of the four weddings I attended yesterday, I bumped into one of the Political Secretary of former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

When our conversation moved into the latest issue raised by Rocky Bru, the host popped up the question Rocky raised yesterday.

He denied and claimed if such a file reached Pak Lah, he would have seen it.

It could be a potential embarassment for him and Pak Lah because another source claimed Dato Seri Najib had seen the file.

Furthermore, a Jakarta based NGO, Migrant CARE, made a press release dated August 1st 2007 to inform the case involving Indonesian maid, Robengah is under investigation and their finding will be submitted to relevant authority.

No name of the Senior Minister was mentioned but a PAS blogger claimed it had something to do with a withdrawal a month earlier by a Senior Minister from contesting for a significant position in an International body.

The press release found on Tenaganita website here is reproduced below:


