Rais: 84pc understand 1 Malaysia

By Bernama

Eighty-four per cent of Malaysians understand the 1 Malaysia concept, more than the 75 per cent targeted, Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said today.

This was found in a survey carried out by his ministry from June to July which also showed 72 per cent accepting the concept that Datuk Seri Razak Najib Razak introduced, he added. 

“A poll of 15,353 respondents showed that 84 per cent regarded it (1 Malaysia) as good and will not cause disunity, and acceptance of the concept was 72 per cent,” he told reporters after attending the 1Malaysia Christmas open house hosted by businessman Datuk Seri Vanatiah Anthony and his wife, Datin Seri Elispetoo Sinnappan, at Kampung Baru Sungai Chua here.

Rais said that a poll of 12,212 in October last year showed 69 per cent understood the concept.

He said that all should strive to help realise the concept regardless of their political affiliation.

