Sabah Mykad issue: Umno-BN does’t care lah!

By Queville To, Free Malaysia Today

KOTA KINABALU: A Barisan Nasional MP’s 100-page memorandum to the Home Ministry, complete with documented evidence to prove that foreigners in Sabah have gained Malaysian identification documents through dubious means, is a “wasted effort” and merely “window-dressing”.

“It’s unlikely to upset the Barisan Nasional applecart in the general election because as far as Umno-BN is concerned it is a non-issue..they don’t care,” said Sabah Progressive Party deputy president Eric Majimbun alluding to Tuaran MP Wilfred Bumburing’s recent announcement that he had submitted sufficient proof to Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein as requested by the latter.

Majimbun, who is also Sepanggar MP, said nothing would come of Bumburing’s United Pasukun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation’s (Upko) brave act of collating evidence against abuse by coalition boss, Umno, in the contentious issue of citizenship for foreigers

“Upko should know that the government is not going to suddenly turn around and acknowledge that a massive fraud had happened under their watch and without them knowing …

“We have ample proof and evidence that thousands of illegal immigrants in Sabah have been determining the government in state and general elections all these years.

“The government have been ignoring and denying the existence of the issue due to their own agenda, which is an open secret.

“Foreigners prefer to discard their foreign nationality and embrace Malay as their race in order to have Malaysian citizens through back door,” said Majimbun.

Own agenda

He pointed out that in 2007, the National Registration Department (NRD) had repeatedly snubbed and refused to appear before a parliamentary committee to explain the issuance of Mykads in Sabah. Coincidently at the time Bernard Dompok, who is Upko president, happened to be the chairman of the parliamentary committee.

Dompok subsequently quit as its the committee chairman due to the snub.


