Perak Saga: A rerun in Selangor

  1. It is never easy for me to write about the KSN, Tan Sri Sidek Hassan. Usually I am full of praise of the KSN but his latest action after his defense of Nik Ali in Penang begins to raise a lot of question. It is difficult for me to interpret his recent action in the appointment of Selangor State Secretary. I cannot find any good reason other than political in interpreting the choice of candidate and the manner the appointment was made. This will create another dent among the educated masses to give BN another chance in Selangor.

  2. While most bloggers and online media would argue from the point of Selangor State Law, I prefer to look at the issue from the angle of productivity. I don’t have a copy of SS laws any my search on the internet has not been successful. I suspect assume the law does not differ much with Perak State laws since every piece written seems to point to Article 36(c).

  3. With the assumption that the law in Perak and Selangor is similar with the appointment of SS, then it is clear that the blessing of the Sultan is not necessary. The appointment is dependent on the choice put forward by the service commission. The Sultan blessings, approval is not required. Yet the KSN finds it fit to use the Sultan in sending out the message of appointment. This is not right.

  4. The appointment of SS should lie with the State Service Commission because it is a State post. It is not a Federal post. Therefore it is imperative the right of the state is to be respected. For the Selangor State to move efficiently, it needs the support of a team player. The SS must be someone who can execute the decision of the State Councilor and State Legislative Assembly. If the person does not have the confidence of the MB and the State Exco than it is going to be very difficult for the MB to manage the state. For the record it is not the job of the Sultan or KSN to manage the state.


