Jail all BN politicians for treason

Why should the taxpayer fund an Umno political advertising campaign?

By uppercaise 

This signboard shows that the Barisan Nasional has overthrown the legally-constituted government of Malaysia. That is treason. Hang them all.

Khairy Jamaluddin and other Barisan Nasional politicians need to examine the hypocrisy, cowardice and abuse of power shown in PWD signboards like the one above before accusing the Selangor government of being cowards and hypocrites for banning the use of the “1Malaysia” symbol on billboards.

That signboard above represents an act of treason by the Barisan Nasional, usurping the authority of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the legally-constituted government of Malaysia.

But the Umno of Khairy Jamaluddin, of Muhyiddin Yassin, which sees cowardice in the Selangor state government, sees no wrong in this treasonous signboard.

When the Selangor government says “1Malaysia” is political advertising, it merely reflects the truth of what the Barisan Nasional does all the time: they are engaged in political advertising and political marketing 24 hours a day — with misuse and abuse of government power and assets thrown in for good measure.

Have you never read a news report quoting the prime minister or deputy prime minister and speaking about Umno matters? Have you never seen an Umno function opened by the prime minister or deputy prime minister and reported as such? Have you never seen a government press conference at which the minister talks about his party affairs?

“1Malaysia” on which the Prime Minister’s Department is spending so much effort is the slogan for the political advertising campaign being run by one section of Umno that wants to portray itself as being inclusive.

They are engaged in a struggle for dominance in their own party over the other section, the exclusive, supremacist section, whose principal spokesman is an oaf who peddles “race, religion and nation” in every speech, whether at government function or party event.

The real Malaysia we live in is an inclusive one. The constitution is an inclusive one, everyone is included (except the Orang Asli). Why do we need a campaign for a fictional 1Malaysia? We already live in the real, one and only, Malaysia, and it’s not easy.


This “1Malaysia”, a notion peddled by charlatans, comes about because Umno has practised “MalaysiaKita”, Their Malaysia, where They are on top, They come first, and They get all the money. Their Malaysia and Our Malaysia, the Real Malaysia, are two different things.

It is Umno that wants Barisan Nasional to give the appearance of being inclusive and they want the general public to vote for them on that basis.

Read more at: http://uppercaise.wordpress.com/2010/12/27/hang-bn-pols-for-treason/ 
