Now PR, don’t you go flip-flopping

So what’s wrong with banning an insincere BN political logo?

By Jackson Ng (former journalist)

NOW Pakatan Rakyat (PR), don’t you dare disappoint your supporters by picking up Barisan Nasional (BN)’s diseased-style of flip-flopping in policy decisions. I am referring to the Selangor government’s ban on BN’s 1Malaysia. Why fear doing the right thing?

BN-Umno-Perkasa’s 1Malaysia is a political ploy with no resolve or sincerity whatsoever to promote a truly 1Malaysia. Like oil and water, a truly 1Malaysia can never mix with Ketuanan Melayu. The real 1Malaysia is Ketuanan Rakyat. Believe me. The people is power and their tolerance toward abusive political hegemony is definitely time-sensitive and limited.

So what’s wrong with banning an insincere BN political logo?

BN-Umno’s 1Malaysia logo is being used as a political tool to hoodwink the rakyat or Malaysians. There is no necessity for the PR to fear the BN because the rakyat or Malaysians of today are more intelligent and rational than Umno 1946’s dinosaur-mentality leaders. PR must continue promoting its true brand of 1Malaysia and Malaysians will eventually be won over to rally support for PR to rule.

Both the Malay leaders, PKR’s Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and PAS’ Datuk Nik Aziz have publicly and clearly criticised Umno’s Ketuanan Melayu. Both have yet to waver despite political pressure from Umno’s Malays. For this, I take their word at face value, and I trust them, especially Nik Aziz, more than the racist BN-Umno-Perkasa.

Shockingly, it is the DAP that has lost its guts. Perhaps, after tasting power, the controversial Ronnie Liu fears losing Selangor to BN-Umno.

The moronic Umno-controlled Utusan Malaysia has accused PR of being afraid of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak’s 1Malaysia as the reason for the ban.

Utusan also accused the state’s PR administration of being petty in imposing the ban, which has now reportedly been frozen pending a review. In his weekly column, the newspaper’s editor Hassan Mohd Noor questioned the Selangor government’s move to ban the 1Malaysia billboards and freedom of expression.

Hassan (i.e.Umno), please look at yourself in the mirror before you open to expose your mouthful of excreta.

Why don’t you criticse what BN-Umno has been doing with the ISA, the Printing Presses Act, the Official Secrets Act (OSA), the Sedition Act, the Universities and University Colleges Act and many other laws that had been exploited and used to suppress freedom of speech and expression.

And now we have Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon joining the fray to defend BN-Umno-Perkasa’s 1Malaysia.
Koh asks: Does 1Malaysia violate decency or sensitivity? Of course not. But the insincerity stinks and thus the logo is a tool to mislead the rakyat. Koh, the day you and Gerakan get the BN government to stop Perkasa and Utusan Malaysia’s highly sensitive and inflammatory racial slurs is the day I will publicly retract and apologise for this posting.
