YB Gobala’s Statement

I refer to the statement in relation to my recent tweets by Mr N Surendran, the newly appointed Vice President of PKR. My recent tweets are not rants as claimed by Mr Surendran. He has stated that PKR is a democratic party but I have come to learn that democracy is only practised with favouritisms in the party led by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

My statements are not vague, baseless or unproductive. I think the time has come for me to speak out against the many injustices. I have made many sacrifices in my crusade to improve the lives of Malaysians. I do not have any personal agenda or gain in all that I do. I always strive for justice for all especially the down trodden Indian community. This has been my struggle since I started my political career in MIC about 23 years ago.

In my 11 over years with the party, I have personally raised issues faced by the Indian community to the leaders but it has fallen on deaf ears. No efforts were taken to address these issues, among them are:-

1. One of the biggest Sivan temples in the country is in Bukit Gasing which conducts special prayers on all Hindu auspicious days was closed by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim within 100 days of Pakatan Rakyat coming into power. Anwar’s strife was that the temple had non-Indian features i.e. the Dragon fencing. This is absurd as it is up to the Indians if they want to accept it, by having the dragon fence it doesn’t make the Indian temple any lesser or a Hindu a Christian. This problem existed during the BN rule in Selangor but they did not go to the extreme of closing the temple! Being a successful human rights lawyer I challenge Mr Surendran to assist in re-opening the temple to the devotees for the New Year.

2. Coalfields Estate – when the workers came to work here many years ago, their families were given free amenities which included housing, water, electricity, schools. Even though their wages were very low, they were able to live a comfortable life. Now, they are being chased away with no proper compensation to enable them to continue with their lives. It is only proper for the Selangor Government to acquire a piece of land around the estate to develop a housing scheme for the workers. The best location being the land area between the church and the temple in Coalfield Estate. Or at least provide 4000sqft land for each family for them to build a house and maybe venture into some farming activity to earn a living. All this are within the powers of the Menteri Besar. As a VP and as he has pledged to look into the problems faced by Indians, Mr Surendran should urge the MB to interfere to help these poor families.

The above are only very few of the many problems faced by the Indian community in the country which Anwar is not bothered to assist. He doesn’t care about the Indian community.

If it is true that the elections were conducted with integrity, I would support it 100%. However, the recent PKR elections were manipulated by the de facto leader and his associates. I have made my grouses known to the party leader but no action has been taken till now; neither were the detailed results of the election made public. It makes me wonder how Mr Surendran was appointed when he was not even a member of the party. I question his integrity when he speaks about the PKR election. He hasn’t voted in a cabang neither did he attend any MATC. His name doesn’t appear in the voters list of the Lembah Pantai cabang where he claims to be a member or any other cabang in the country. Can he show proof of where he voted or at least produce three witnesses who have seen him voting or attended the MATC. Then again, I know that there are means to slot his name or any name in the voters list if Anwar wishes to do so.

If any disciplinary action should be taken, it should be against Anwar first for closing the Bukit Gasing Sivan temple and Xavier Jeyakumar for using gangsterism during the recent PKR elections.

In the last 12 years, Anwar has been strengthening the Malay and Chinese leadership in the party but the Indians were neglected and kept at a distance. Only those who were close to him were appointed to party posts. There must be due consideration given to Indian community in the party as they make up about 40% of the members. It is very visible that it is a divide and rule practice by Anwar.

If Mr Surendran wants clarification and proof of any of the above he should contact me.

