Your article wrt to my article in malaysia chronicle refers…
I thought we bloggers read each other’s writings and have the right to exchange views based on the principle of “Let’s be agreeable in our disagreement.”
By YL Chong
Below is what YL Chong wrote about me. It appears like he is going out of his way to try to bring me down for whatever reason only he knows. I don’t know what I did to him to make him so full of vile. Anyway, if it is a fight he wants then it is a fight he is going to get.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Maybe YL Chong has forgotten that when he got his hands on those Official Secrets Act documents from the MACC regarding the investigation of Khir Toyo and other matters his portal, Malaysia Chronicle, was too scared to run the story.
Chong then contacted me and I agreed for Malaysia Today to run it while assuring him I would protect the source of the documents — which was Malaysia Chronicle and himself.
Anyhow, now he and Malaysia Chronicle have declared war on me and have decided to fight dirty and take no prisoners. In that case, since they have decided on the rules of engagement, I am only too happy to take them on…
I’m reprising only the above paragraphs, and if I need to comment further on other parts of your post, I reserve the right to, and I will keep posted CC malaysia chroniclesince you have made allegations that I had acted on behalf of malaysia chronicle.
WRT: “Maybe YL Chong has forgotten that when he got his hands on those Official Secrets Act documents from the MACC regarding the investigation of Khir Toyo and other matters his portal, Malaysia Chronicle, was too scared to run the story.”
How can I forget something that I never did with respect to your reported OSA incident?
WRT: “Chong then contacted me and I agreed for Malaysia Today to run it while assuring him I would protect the source of the documents — which was Malaysia Chronicle and himself.”
WHEN HAD I EVER CONTACTED YOU regarding following up on “documents” — I had never received any documents I had to refer to you RPK!
WRT: “Anyhow, now he and Malaysia Chronicle have declared war on me and have decided to fight dirty and take no prisoners. ..”
I thought we bloggers read each other’s writings and have the right to exchange views based on the principle of “Let’s be agreeable in our disagreement.”
Signing off: YL Chong, Desi
PS: Following is worth repeating as direct response to your allegation that I work for malaysia chronicle from its editor, Ms Wong Choon Mei,viz:
“Malaysia Chronicle wishes to state in no uncertain terms that YL Chong is not in anyway associated with our website other than as a contributor of articles that he has kindly allowed us to publish from time to time.
YL Chong is certainly not the owner of our website nor is he on our payroll.
Raja Petra Kamarddin is free to fight with YL Chong or anyone that he chooses to. However, Malaysia Chronicle will not be part of the fray or allow itself to be used in anyway.
Should in the future YL Chong writes other articles that appeal to the editors at Malaysia Chronicle, we see no reason why we should not publish it – even at risk of angering the Great RPK.
But that still doesn’t make YL Chong the owner of Malaysia Chronicle or a staff of Malaysia Chronicle.
We hope Malaysia Today will publish this reply.
Thank you and best regards RPK
Wong Choon Mei”