Without Consent!

By steadyaku47

Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse, by one person against another person without that person’s consent.

“Without that person’s consent”…..does that not sound familiar? The Rakyat have had many things done upon us without our consent. The appointment of a State Secretary done without the consent of the MB of the State he is to serve under. For the parents of Aminulrasyid the murder of their 14 year old son by Corporal Jenain Subi under the employment of PDRM. For A. Kugan he did not consent to being bludgeon to death by a blunt instrument. For Teoh Beng Hock his son, born after his murder, did not consent to the manner MACC took his father into custody, and then caused in a manner still to be determined, the death of his father.

But these were all done within the boundary of our country. Within the confines of what we call home, to our own people and to be stoically endured and suffered in silence by everyone of us simply because we have a government that see nothing wrong in having it’s Police murder suspect in custody, nothing wrong in using the Judiciary as a tool to promote its own political agenda, and a government that will use each and every means at its disposal and will claim, as its right, to do anything in as long as the means justifies their ends.

But what happens when the means employed by this Barisan Government to protect its vested interests requires it to dismiss/ignore a crime perpetuated by a Malaysian,upon the citizen of another country? What happens when a Senior Minister of this Barisan Nasional government is the perpetrator of that crime?

Alleged rape by “Senior Minister” of this Indonesian Maid!

This Barisan Nasional government operates on the premise that in as far as the people are concern, “No news is Good News!” In as long as their media, their television and their spin machine are able to deny that there is an elephant in the room – then there is no elephant! Never mind that the incident has become common fodder for conversation within the diplomatic enclave in Malaysia if not Asia. Never mind that Tenaganita has made it their cause celebre to pursue this matter no matter what. Never mind that Harakahdaily has broken the story to make it THE STORY to start 2011 with. A rape that took place in 2007 within Malaysia can be managed within the confines of Malaysia in as long as Barisan Nasional hasd the political will to do so.

But methinks Barisan Nasional political will to protect the Senior Minister in this rape case has began to waver. Jakarta has begun to ask questions. The Indonesians can be ignored at your own peril. They are quick to anger especially when they feel that one of their own have been treated unfairly in Malaysia. I think we would have to agree with the Indonesians that sexual assault against an Indonesian maid without their consent can be constituted as “unfair treatment” …as are beatings and scalding of Indonesian maids with hot water and iron have been so treated in the recent past.

Barisan Nasional has no control over what happens in Jakarta. The rape of Robengah by a Senior Government Minister – who is still in cabinet – will now assume proportions of being an international incident that will embarrass the Barisan Nasional government. That will happen when the Indonesian President, Susilo Banbang Yudhoyono, wades into the affair (as he has done previously in Indonesian maids tortured by employers in Saudi Arabia) and ask that the Barisan Nasional government investigate this inappropriate violation of an Indonesian citizen by a Senior Minister of the Barisan Nasional government. At this time we can confidently presume that the “s-h-t has hit the fan”.    

Read more at: http://steadyaku-steadyaku-husseinhamid.blogspot.com/2011/01/without-consent.html
