As I see it
Do you think you can stop another May 13th? Do the Malays want to stop a May13th onslaught upon the other races? No they will not want to….…not when another May 13 will once and for all confirm that Malaysia is their country and that another May 13th will certainly relegate all the other races to being “pendatangs” and second class citizens.
By steadyaku47
And what of the Malays? You must remember that “amok” is a Malay word meaning “mad with uncontrollable rage”. Seeing the youtube video of Karam Singh Wall asking for forgiveness for a perceived slight he had done on the Malay race while mabuk brings to all of us the reality of this. Thinking back to Karpal Singh confrontation in front of Parliament with Pemuda UMNO also confirms this. I am a Malay and I know that all it takes to trigger the rage within the Malay is a perceived slight against their religion and race. This was what triggered the May 13 riot of 1969 and this is what is now making all of us, the Malays included, uneasy and uncertain of what the future holds for us and our country – our children. It does not help that we now have politicians who are only too willing to play the race card from both, the government and the opposition camps …and more worrying they have the numbers to ensure that their power base is strong enough for them to be heard.
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