PKR leaders say no to Thamrin, our choice is Ansari

PKR Sabah has been in a disarray for the last 1 year and the time has come that we must be focused and steadfast, and we fully acknowledge Hj. Ansari as the most capable, visionary and loyal leader to spearhead PKR Sabah

By Ketua-ketua Cabang PKR Sabah

With the dust settled over a month ago in the Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s Cabang and National Elections and the much talked about Snap Elections echoed somewhere in the first quarter of this year, a different tsunami is about to hit Sabah. At a press conference today 15 Ketua Cabangs of Parti Keadilan Rakyat Sabah (PKR) were furious with the snail speed of the Central Leadership in announcing the New State Chief of Sabah. What seems to be the delay?

Appointed spokesman for the group, Anthony Mandiau, who is also the Ketua Cabang of Kota Marudu, said for the last 1 year under the leadership of incumbent, Thamrin Hj. Jaini, PKR has been in limbo with no direction whatsoever. All 15 of us Ketua Cabangs are in full concurrence and frustrated in the manner as to how Thamrin administered PKR in his capacity as State Chief. He has done absolutely NOTHING in steering the party. As the State Chief, he had no HALATUJU and he has failed miserably and in fact weakened PKR Sabah, fumed Anthony.

As the State Chief, it was imperative that Thamrin should have formulated and implemented strategies to spearhead PKR Sabah to be a force to be reckon with. Unfortunately he has made PKR Sabah an irrelevant coalition partner of Pakatan Rakyat Sabah. If this persists and is allowed to be continued, PKR Sabah may end up in the history books as a party that failed to live up to the aspirations of the people. We will not allow our future generation to suffer due to the incompetency of such a leader. The 15 cabang chiefs who have pledged their loyalty and support for Ansari in WRITING are from Tuaran, Batu Sapi, Beluran, Semporna, Kalabakan, Kudat, Kota Marudu, Ranau, Sepanggar, Putatan, Labuan, Pensiangan, Sipitang, Tenom and Kota Belud divisions.

We are therefore sending a clear and unanimous message to the Central Leadership that our agreed choice to head PKR Sabah is Tuan Hj. Ansari  Abdullah, and in turn steer the party together with our coalition partners, DAP and PAS in preparation on the impending 13th General Election expected soon. PKR Sabah has been in a disarray for the last 1 year and the time has come that we must be focused and steadfast, and we fully acknowledge Hj. Ansari as the most capable, visionary and loyal leader to spearhead PKR Sabah, said Anthony.

We understand that the Secretary General of PKR, YB Saifudin Nasution is expected to Chair a meeting with all the Ketua Cabangs at 3pm tomorrow in pursuant to the appointment of the State Chief. We wish to state here as well that all 15 of us have signed our pledge of loyalty and have decided that our choice to lead PKR Sabah is Hj. Ansari; and our clear intentions has also been made known to our President via our letter duly signed by all of us by fax to her yesterday. This is what autonomy means. We decide and we have decided.

Sabah PKR Communications Director,Ronnie Klassen who was the organizing chairman for the press conference, said the group’s action must not be perceived as an ultimatum to the party President. “They (the group) are just making it easier for the President to decide on this issue. Ultimately, it is the President’s prerogative to decide who she thinks is the right candidate,”he said.

We also want to categorically state firmly here, that the majority KDM’s from the grassroots to it’s leaders are strongly behind PKR, and we’re also convinced that our Chinese leaders are also loyal and full heartedly in support of the party.

We shall not continue to support disillusioned leaders such as Thamrin, who has failed in his test of loyalty to the party which was visible Nationwide in Batu Sapi. PKR Sabah was dealt with a severe and an unforgiven blow, added Anthony.

We urge the Central Leadership to take serious note of our decision and start preparing for the elections. We have work ahead of us, said Anthony. Also present at the occasion were Sabah DAP Secretary Dr. Edwin Bosi, Sabah PAS Vice President lll, Mohd Aminuddin and it’s Youth Chief, Lahirul Latigu.
