Whispers along the Corridor

Whispers and rumours seldom turn out to be true. But in Malaysia, where transparency is not as see through as we wish it to be, many a time a rumour could turn out to be true later.

There are a couple of event happening lately. A couple of SMSes came in yesterday that gave an impression there is a major purge to clean-up UMNO and Government.

Amen. Hidup Dato Najib!

On the other hand, that same development could purge out the existing Government if wrong appointments are made.

No … it is not another so-called Constitutional crisis.

Over the weekend, Khairy made a statement that he is standing down, going study leave and withdrawing from politics.

Yesterday, public relation firm, Fox Communication is reported closing shop.

This doesn’t come as a surprise because this blogger have been getting words that Dato Kalimullah Masya Allah is cashing out from his business.

Will have to confirm that by scrouching through the Bursa data to know of his other divestments.

Is it cashing out time?

Well … in one SMS exchange early yesterday, this former Member of Parliament said certain people were warned to get out of the national scene slowly so that the 13th General election is free from liabilities.

No need to repeat and enlist the liabilities, do we?

For all likelihood, Haji Khairy may have been told to do so. One of his former accomplice said his butt is burning from the Alcatel exposure.

Not only is his butt hot, he has been hot in his pants lately. But we will not go any further to upset an already delicate marital sensitivity.

The same former MP said he had just withdrawn some 10 million from his Singapore bank account. No currency mentioned and the Bank’s definately not the POSB account from his UWC days.

It looks like he is really for an indefinate leave.

It will be pointless of Dato Mohamad Hasan trying to persuade him. Khairy have not had anything going for him as UMNO Youth Head.

Neither has he delivered anything meaningful.

He knows he will still be left out in a cabinet reshuffle. Two days back, a senior journalist text me to alert of an impending cabinet reshuffle.

This rumour have been repeating itself so often that no one take notice of it. Maybe the real McCoy will happen when everyone is not paying attention.

Now that Khairy is out of the equation and the liabilities will no more be political burden to be entertained, Najib may decide to reshuffle.

It is only expected that Nor Yakcop be removed. Someone must be in to replace him and his coterie of young incompetents in GLCs and new agencies.

Me and Bigdog was tipped that Khazanah CEO, Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar is eyeing to replace Nor Yakcop. His posting last night was filled with background information but it was too nice.

The source said Azman have been paying lobbyists to whisper sweet Azman into Najib’s ears.

This is not the first time that Azman expressed interest to replace Nor Yakcop. After the last general election, he lobbied to replace Nor Yakcop but he can’t beat Nor Yakcop who was an elected MP.

The source claimed that this time Azman has the concurrent of Nor Yakcop. With all the robber barons from the Abdullah days fleeing away, Azman maybe entrusted to cover the large crater size hole in Khazanah and GLCs.

Najib will forever only know the one page summary with the consolidated figures. He will never know how much money sucked and disappear in the sands. The list of abuses will forever not be known.

Azman need to keep the Tingkat 4-linked boys parked in Khazanah, various GLCS, Corridor authorities, and agencies intact till their return.

One name that cropped up to replace Azman at Khazanah is SC Chairwomen, Tan Sri Zainah Anwar.

This means the link with Nor Yakcop, Khairy and Kalimullah will remain. These people added no economic value to the nation but were mere robber barons.

It will be a disaster if such appointment materialise.

In the meanwhile, Omar Ong had divorced his wife and is out of the radar with pretty new young thing. 


