Muhyiddin begins six-day visit to the US

(Bernama) BOSTON, Jan 10 — Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin arrived here yesterday to begin a six-day working visit to the United States.

Muhyiddin and his wife Puan Sri Norainee Abdul Rahman, who arrived at the Boston Logan International Airport at 5pm (6am today, Malaysia time), were received by Malaysian Ambassador to the US Datuk Seri Dr Jamaludin Jarjis.

Muhyiddin will host a dinner for Malaysian students and community here on Wednesday before going to Washington DC on Thursday and Friday where he is scheduled to meet senior officials of the Obama administration including US Vice-President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Muhyiddin may also meet US Congressional leaders during the visit, and be a guest of honour at a luncheon with US-Asean Business Council members.

Muhyiddin is also expected to launch the Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation’s Entrepreneurship Special Training (myBeST) Programme and attend an event honouring students participating in the American Field Service known as the Youth Exchange & Study (AFS-YES).

The YES programme is a student exchange programme sponsored by the US Department of State after the 9/11 incident in 2001 to help build bridges between citizens of the US and countries around the world, particularly those with large Muslim populations.

Muhyiddin’s visit is seen as a follow-up to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s successful visit to the US in April last year to attend the Nuclear Security Summit, and the United Nations General Assembly in September last year where he met US President Barrack Obama on both occasions.

The visit would also raise the existing co-operation to another level in areas that would benefit both countries, especially trade.

Muhyiddin is expected to return home from London on Saturday. — Bernama

