Another sex scandal in MCA?

A beautician had lodged a police report against a MCA leader for allegedly molesting her

(Free Malaysia Today) – A MCA leader from the party’s Lenggong division in Perak has been accused of molesting a beautician at a club on New Year’s Eve.

The beautician had lodged a police report against the prominent politician on Dec 31 last year, claiming that he had groped her breast at a club in Ipoh.

According to Chinese vernacular newspaper reports, Perak police chief Mohd Shukri Dahlan confirmed the matter but declined to elaborate.

Party insiders told FMT that the politician, who is holding a “high position” in the division had denied the allegation, but claimed that he was drunk at the time of the incident.

“He told us that he did not molest the women but nobody knows what exactly happened as he said he was drunk at that time,” said a leader from Perak, known to be a close associate of the accused.

Several MCA leaders contacted by FMT refrained from commenting on the issue, with some even claiming that they had no knowledge of the incident despite it being widely reported by the Chinese newspapers.

The beautician, it is also learnt, had since lodged a second police report and engaged a prominent lawyer in Ipoh after receiving some lewd SMSes and allegations that “she was out to make some money” from the accused politician.



