USA’s praise for Malaysia begs for clarification

While we may celebrate the accolades of praise from ‘Big Bother USA’, critical questions beg answers, namely: then why are the international bodies consistently rating us so lowly for a variety of benchmarks  like transparency, press freedom, education standards, etc.?


By J. D. Lovrenciear

Malaysia’s  Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has through the local news agency reported that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has praised Malaysia for its standards in democracy, economy and governance.
According to the Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister who was on official visit to Washington, the US said that ‘Malaysia should be emulated by other developing nations because it is ‘democratic, effectively governed and economically sound.’
While Malaysians and the government of the day may take credit and feel elated, Hillary’s statement of view-point can also be an insult to many – both in Malaysia and in the region.
While we may celebrate the accolades of praise from ‘Big Bother USA’, critical questions beg answers, namely: then why are the international bodies consistently rating us so lowly for a variety of benchmarks  like transparency, press freedom, education standards, etc.?
If the USA says that Malaysia ‘should be emulated by other developing nations’, then it simply means that the nations in the region who also qualify for the developing label are not good enough.
It means that other governments too must have oppressive and suppressive laws like the Internal Security Act; the Official Secrets Act; the Printing and Publishing Act and the coming-soon Cybernet Law.
It also means that immigration records can be deleted and there should be no questions asked. It also means that military controlled C4 explosives can be used by ordinary uniformed personnel and there is no need to investigate how such dangerous ammunition is used on foreiign nationals.
It also means that Heads of Sate like our Prime Minister can proclaim in public that if the ruling government loses in  the general election there will be ‘crushed bodies, lost lives and ethnic cleansing’.
It also means that you can throw a high ranking minister into prison and land land him with a black eye.
There is more. But suffice these few thoughts to just help us seek a clarification from the United States of America.
Now can we imagine what would be the consequences if the neighbouring nations take the US Secretary of State’s verdict on Malaysia seriously and implement all the same standards of economy, democracy and government into their own nations?
Not so long ago, when the Tun Doctor was at the steering wheel of the nation, we drew much criticism from the USA. Today Hillary has shown a reverse stand. Have we so suddenly and magically transformed? If so, how?
Yes, Malaysia has been an economic success. That is because in the past we gave the colonial robbers our tin and rubber. And later we have been enjoying our fossil fuel and palm oil. But what happens when the nation’s oil wells run dry by 2018 or thereafter?
Yes. Malaysia was effectively governed in the past. That is why we never had a rebellion or civil war. But the USA knows that past success does not guarantee the future – so said your own President Mr Barack Obama. It has to be consistently earned.
Hence, if it is true that Malaysia is a model to be emulated, how come we have bitter battles smouldering on the political front in the country? Are other developing nations not having better peace, co-existence and progress? Are other nations less democratic? Are other nations not economically progressing given their more limited natural resources?
It is not an Asian tradition to arrogantly blare that one is an example for others to follow. It is for others to seek out and accept one as a model.
Perhaps, Hillary Clinton does not appreciate Asian culture the way we Asians do. Unless of course if the Deputy Prime Minister has not divulged the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Please your eminence the Secretary of State, USA do not put our deputy prime minsiter at such odds. Your clarification will be most looked forward to not only by all Malaysians but also by all citizens of the developing world.
