Reject racists, urges Guan Eng

By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider

The DAP’s Lim Guan Eng called on Malaysians today to reject the ideology of racial supremacy if they wished the nation to move forward and be on par with the rest of the world.

The party’s secretary-general said hate campaigns foment violence and breed hate, noting the racial debate has become more heated in the past three years.

In his Utusan Malaysia column today National Defence University lecturer Dr Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah urged the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) government to spend more on arming the country to prevent a Singapore takeover.

Ridhuan has repeatedly described the country’s southern neighbour as “ultra kiasu” — a colloquial term meaning overly competitive — and a threat to Malaysia’s Malay-Muslim sovereignty.

“Kita perlu ingat, pemimpin Pulau Pinang difahamkan selalu ke sana untuk mencari idea. Apakah mungkin nanti akan wujud Singapura kedua, ketiga dan sebagainya? (We must remember, Penang leaders are understood to be visiting there regularly for ideas. Will there be a second, third Singapore and so on one day?)” Ridhuan wrote.

Lim, who is also Penang chief minister, said there was no room for racists and extremists in a globally competitive world, and urged the silent majority to make a stand.

“We can never be superior by labelling others as an inferior race or worse,” he said in his Thaipusam message here.


