The Malays Divided?
We now see Malays bent on intimidating not the other races but other Malays. We see Malays assembled within meters of each other hurling insults and threats of bodily harm at each other in the name of Politics. We see anger and hate in their eyes as the faced other Malays – each so sure that their cause is the right cause.
By steadyaku47
The Malays are divided. All that unite them, religion, language and race are powerless against that which divides them: POLITICS. In the past the division between PAS and UMNO confronted the Malays. Father against son, brothers against brothers and even husbands against spouse were pulled apart by their support of one party against the other. Prayers were said in PAS and UMNO mosques led by politically inclined Imams. Friday prayers when all Muslims gathered together to say their prayers were occasion for political theatre. It was not Allah that wished them to do so – it was the leaders of PAS and UMNO – mere humans who manipulated the Malay population to further their own political agenda. These politicians were oblivious to the harm they were doing to their own race. Politics overcame all other sensibilities.
And now this is happening not only in Kelantan and Trengganu or just in the rural areas – but more worrying all over Malaysia. And it is now BN and PR. It is one thing to use race and religion for political expedience, another to deliberately use it to cause the division of the Malays amongst themselves.
We now see Malays bent on intimidating not the other races but other Malays. We see Malays assembled within meters of each other hurling insults and threats of bodily harm at each other in the name of Politics. We see anger and hate in their eyes as the faced other Malays – each so sure that their cause is the right cause.
At times we see Malay youths harassing the old, the strong harassing the weak. The men insulting the women and always it is the politicians who are there to maximize their gains from these confrontations of Malays against Malays. Nobody says anymore that this is not the way of the Malays. Nobody say anymore that there must be a better way for the Malays to settle their differences. Increasingly we accept that this is where politics have taken the Malays to.
It does not have to be this way. Yes in my writing I have been scathing in my comments on Malay leaders on both side of the divide – more so on UMNO side simply because there are more Malay Leaders within UMNO then in anywhere else. But these Malay leaders are fair game because they put themselves in the front line by their choice to be in public office just as I am fair game because of what I write in my blog.
But the Malays that are now used to confront each other. It signals a shift in the way things were. The politicians are desperate. They can no longer garner support by pitting the Malays against the other races. Now they throw the Malays against each other to gather votes for themselves. But at what costs to the Malays?