DBKK High Risk on Komplex Karamunsing

“There were deflection as much as 3” or more on all the 3 floors. Certain crucial reinforcement were apparently not in the correct position resulting in very short lever-arm and hence structurally inadequate. With age and the effect of creeps, the deflection can only get worst. The 3 floors were reported to be in a “plastic” stage, and it was declared unsafe.

The owner (Suria Group) of 7, 8 and 9th Floor (staffs) heard cracking sounds inside the building and got worried. Suria then engaged a reg. Professional Engineer Ir. Tsen to carry out an investigation and found (declared) the 3 floors unsafe. This Eng. presented his report to a specially called High Risk Committee by DBKK and below are the confidential minutes. 

Yesterday, Joint professional Bodies (IEM, ACEM, SEA and PAM with the support of SLA ‘Sabah Law Asso.’ called a meeting and have writen a joint letter (signed by 3 professional bodies) addressed to the Mayor of DBKK to express their concern on this report. They are asking the Mayor to inform all other unit owners of Komplex Karamunsing Block C and to carry out a necessary structural check for the whole 3 Blocks which was and is still under massive Extensions and Renovations which caused many public concerns not only to its structural integrity but FIRE safety which even the Bomba Sabah director has expressed concern during his few professional dialogues with professional bodies at Bomba HQ KK. His comments were even quoted in www.pamsabah.com web site.





