Mukhriz hits out at Guan Eng, Azmin

By The Malaysian Insider

ALOR SETAR, Jan 27 — Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir ticked off the opposition parties today for refusing to recognise the successes of the government in attracting billions of ringgit in foreign investment.

He said the opposition parties had instead continued to discredit the government and harp on the issue of illicit financial outflows.

“How could they discredit the country. Are they qualified to lead the country?” he told reporters when asked to comment on the report by Global Financial Integrity, a Washington-based financial watchdog, which ranks Malaysia as among the countries which registered the highest illicit financial outflows over a period of nine years in the last decade.

He earlier met the Chinese community in Air Hitam in conjunction with the coming Chinese New Year.

He also ticked off Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, saying Lim had claimed credit for the RM12 billion investments by two American companies in Penang.


