Popular blogger ‘logs off’ from PKR

(The Star) – After much hesitation in recent years to leave the PKR, popular blogger cucumat­kilau has finally decided to call it quits in the party.

“I slogged for the party and believed in its struggles to take care of the people.”

“I have been arrested, interrogated, my house was ransacked and there were times my family’s well-being was neglected. All this was in the name of upholding the party’s principles.”

“But during my troubled times, the party failed me,” said Mohd Shukri Mohd Ramli, 40, who also writes for news portal Pahang Daily.

He had written several times in his blog and the portal that he was leaving the party.

As recently as last November, Mohd Shukri said he could no longer tolerate the hypocrisy in the party and had lost all respect for and confidence in its leaders.

Yesterday, however, he said at a press conference here that his decision was “for real” this time.

“The truth is, I am tired with all the politicking and want to have a break from politics.”

“I want to spend more time with my wife and three children and focus on my event management company,’’ added Mohd Shukri, who was Pahang PKR Youth information chief until he lost the post at last year’s party election.

Mohd Shukri, who joined PKR in 1999, said he would submit his resignation within the next few days and would upload the letter in his blog.

To a question, he admitted he had been approached by both Umno and PAS and did not rule out the possibility of joining one of the parties.

He said some PKR officials had offered him a “good post” in the party when they learned he was quitting.

“But I have made up my mind and will not budge.”

