‘Saiful had semen of 2 people’

‘Seminal stains of the unknown male identified as “Male Y” and Saiful’s were also found on Saiful’s grey underwear.’

(New Straits Times) – Semen of an unknown male was found in the rectum of Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan following DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) profiling of three swabs.

Chemist Dr Seah Lay Hong told the High Court yesterday that the semen of two other contributors were also found in a swab taken from Saiful’s anus.

Seah said that seminal stains of the unknown male identified as “Male Y” and Saiful’s were also found on Saiful’s grey underwear.

In another spot on the underwear, Seah said she found the seminal stains of Saiful which matched his blood sample.

However, it was not revealed who “Male Y” and the other contributor were.

On June 30, 2008, Seah had received from Deputy Superintendent Jude Pereira 10 swabs and a sample of Saiful’s blood specimen, which was taken by doctors who examined him at Kuala Lumpur Hospital.

The chemist, who is also head of the serious crimes unit, said she further received from Pereira on July 1, 2008, eight more exhibits, including the grey underwear.

“I carried out DNA profiling using the multiplex polymerase chain reaction technique on the exhibits,” she said when examined by Deputy Public Prosecutor Noorin Badarudin.

The chemist said her analysis showed only six swabs contained the DNA of Saiful and one swab indicated no DNA profile.

“The DNA profile derived from a swab in the high rectal area consisted of a male DNA from two individuals, one matching that of the blood specimen of Saiful, and the other matching the DNA profile of ‘Male Y’,” she said, adding that “Male Y” was classified as a minor contributor.

Another swab collected in the lower rectal area contained the DNA of Saiful and the unknown male.

Seah said DNA profiles of Saiful, “Male Y” and the other contributor were also detected in Saiful’s anus.

Noorin: How could there be three contributors?

Seah: This area was exposed to contamination. My answer could be speculative.

Counsel Ram Karpal, who is a member of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s legal team, objected to the question as the witness said her answer would be speculative.

Judge Datuk Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah: I am allowing the question and the court will decide later on the weight to be given to the evidence.

Seah: (replying to Noorin’s earlier question) That could be due to sitting on a toilet bowl, or coming into contact with bathing items.

Anwar, 63, is charged with sodomising Saiful in a Bukit Damansara condominium here between 3pm and 4pm on June 26, 2008.

Hearing continues.

