Get to know your Pakatan Rakyat MP
The People’s Parliament
Mid-January, MCLM launched its evaluation exercise in respect of the 76 Pakatan Rakyat MPs, with the help of a pool of volunteers, and an evaluation criteria that was adapted from one developed for use internally by PKR.
Let me say it again, that we are not bothering to evaluate the BN MPs because, as far as we are concerned, they have failed by virtue of their wearing the Barisan Neraka badge.
Results of the Pakatan Rakyat MP evaluation are slowly trickling in.
And yes, some have failed.
I had sent an e-mail to the MPs concerned informing them of the exercise, introducing the volunteer who had been designated to evaluate the MP concerned, and asked for their fullest co-operation.
Some MPs have been most co-operative.
Thank you.
Some refused to co-operate and a few were downright rude.
You know who you are, as we do.
I am reliably informed that the leadership of one of the Pakatan parties directed their MPs not to co-operate.
Which is fine by us.
Do any of you out there want to evaluate your own MP?
Want to gauge whether your choice last time round was a good one, or otherwise?