Are you for or against UMNO racism?
Forwarded by Jeevindra Kumar
On 27th of February 2011 in KLCC at 9 am, HINDRAF will be organizing a people’s march for solidarity against UMNO racism. Leaders of the 3 main opposition parties Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang and Hadi Awang have been sent official letters requesting for their respective parties’ cooperation and participation in this historic rally where HINDRAF is providing a wonderful platform for all opposition parties to unite and fight against UMNO racism.
It will be even more interesting to see if these 3 leaders are really sincere and not hypocrites in their so-called animosity against UMNO’s racist policies, and request all their members to wholeheartedly participate in this rally.
The success of this rally is dependent on everyone’s participation and not just on HINDRAF alone. If the silent majority who have suffered under 54 years of UMNO’s brutally racist and supremacist policies chooses to remain silent, then it will only prove that these people subscribe unreserved approval to the UMNO regime’s racist policies. If one decides to remain selfish and stay within the safe confines of the 4 walls of their home and expect others to do their ‘dirty’ job, then they deserve to be treated unfairly by UMNO. By indirectly not going against UMNO’s racist regime then you can be considered to be part of the problem.
All eyes will be on Anwar Ibrahim’s, Lim Kit Siang’s and Hadi Awang’s genuine participation in this rally. If they do not participate, they will be accused of being just as racist as the UMNO putras. They will be accused of being willing to sacrifice a principled stand or just playing the all too familiar political game by not upsetting the ‘Malay/UMNO’ vote. They will be accused of manipulating naked support of the public against hollowed principles. Pakatan Rakyat can be accused of just aiming to be another Barisan Nasional in the making.
We welcome all you like-minded Malaysians out there to join hands and show your support against UMNO racism. Please do not hide behind your computers and just be armchair critics. Please don’t just whine and complaint about UMNO racism in coffee shops and in pubs. “Walk the talk, Malaysia!”. Put your money where your mouth is. The success of this rally depends on you and no one else.
HINDRAF’s People March for solidarity against UMNO racism.
Date 27/02/2011
Time : 0900 Hrs
Venue : KLCC
UMNO has to go.
Racism has to go.
… but will you go???