Chinese not afraid of PAS’ Islam

The Chinese of Merlimau believe it is BN and MCA which employ scare tactic to instil fear of PAS in the Chinese community.

(Free Malaysia Today) – MERLIMAU: It was after Maghrib prayers last night when Muslims began gathering in a small patch of land just a stone’s throw away from the town centre. Most of the older men wore a white taqiyah while the women were clad in baju kurung. The child they had in tow clutched at a toy or two.

Upon reaching they spread sheets of newspaper on the ground and sat down quietly. Soon the two speakers on either side crackled to life and PAS’ began its first night ceramah.

The speaker line-up was a mix of local and national leaders. Two in particular were promoted on the little square of paper being distributed – former Perak menteri besar Nizar Jamaluddin and former artiste, Bob Lokman.

For the first hour the crowd barely reached 100. By the time Bob took the stage, it had swelled to more than 300.

Bob told the crowd how an incident during which Umno refused to allow him and his group into a mosque had led him to throw his full support behind PAS. The story evoked angry hisses from the crowd.

“I hope that when I return to Merlimau again this place will be the pride and joy of Islam and ruled by true Muslims,” he declared to loud claps.

On the fringes of the crowd sat a Chinese man on his red Yamaha motorcycle. He was leaning forward in great interest at Bob’s proclamation. Beside him were another three Chinese men sitting huddled together on plastic chairs.

The Chinese make up 28% of the voters in Merlimau and BN has repeatedly warned the non-Malays that choosing PAS would inevitably mean living in an Islamic state.

‘Umno Islam a crooked one’

“I enjoy these talks,” the man on the motorcycle said when asked why he was present. “But my Malay isn’t very good so I sometimes miss what they are saying.”

But he understood Bob’s hope for Merlimau and wasn’t the least bit fazed by it.

“Why should I be afraid?” he asked. “It’s already happening in Kelantan and there isn’t a problem there. So there is no problem if PAS wants to bring Islam here.”

The other three drew back when approached but agreed to speak on a condition of anonymity. And speak they did.

“No of course we’re not afraid of Islam,” said the first. “The real Islam is a straight road. But the Umno and BN Islam is a crooked one. So there is no need for us to fear PAS.”

“Barisan Nasional (BN) speaks of anti-corruption and the need to control excess expenditure but it is the one which is indulging in both! So the Islam that PAS will bring will save Malacca.”



