IMalaysia story mory

Malays are Malays and they love entertainment. Malays cannot appreciate good humour because the brain cannot decipher, thus, their penchant for cheap and dirty jokes.

By I amYB

Dear people, last week, my Indian friend attended a 1Malaysia talk in the Min of Agriculture. The speaker was Datuk Hj. Shahalan, the SUP of the PM’s office. The audience was composed of mostly Malays and a few non-Malays, which is typical of the Malaysia government agencies.

Malays are Malays and they love entertainment. Malays cannot appreciate good humour because the brain cannot decipher, thus, their penchant for cheap and dirty jokes. On that day, this Datuk was the star. He had the mostly Malay audience in stitches with his cheap jokes. 

Well, maybe not all the Malays enjoyed the talk but it is difficult to identify the minority on face value. My Indian friend left feeling annoyed and humiliated!

The talk was on 1Malaysia but this Datuk had to insert some family secrets, a marriage engagement plan. He told that the wife was annoyed that the soon-to-be in law was dark and fat! Imagine that! Nice introduction. I mean this attitude is typical of the backward Malaysian Malay mentality. Sadly until today, this stigma is still thick in their mentality.

To the typical Malaysian Malay standard, an ideal should have these criteria; Filthy rich, Rich or fairly rich, fair-skinned, good looking/pretty, slim and scarfed for the women (lately). They’re not interested in inner beauty. 

He also had his series of condemnations:

On Robert Kuok, the china man who is out to kill the citizen through sugar. He advised the audience to reduce sugar intake to hinder from diabetes and all sugar related diseases.

He also mentioned on Ananda Krishnan and Maxis. He advised against using Maxis services, since the owner is Indian.

Another is his resentment towards Astro and the Indian ownership too. 

So is Airasia and Tony Fernandez……. paused!! Sorry, I paused because my friend wants to charge the battery. This 1Malaysia thing is using too much energy.
