Give parents the PPSMI option – PAGE

We refer to Studying in English doesn’t make one less patriotic, says Dr M (27 Feb 2011).

We would like to thank Tun Dr Mahathir for continually speaking up for what he believes is right and good for the people of Malaysia.

During his era, Bahasa Malaysia was introduced as the medium of instruction to follow the footsteps of many countries that had a uniting national language. Needless to say, the policy succeeded to strengthen the national language and initially unite the people but consequently turned national schools into Malay and Islam-centric schools making them unattractive to the non-Malays.

English is the dominant language of the world and became even more so with the birth of the internet where almost all new knowledge, discoveries and information is in English. Our younger generation, hampered by poor English skills, is getting further and further left behind.  

Just like a good doctor, Tun Dr Mahathir diagnosed the problem, realised the fault, and with great courage and determination introduced the policy of Teaching and Learning Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) in 2003 in line with the development of the Multi Super Corridor, Cyberjaya and Vision 2020.

It was strongly supported by the Cabinet and in 2004 Barisan National had the biggest landslide victory in its history. All this proves that the rakyat had no objection to PPSMI.

However all that changed when he left office and the subsequent “anti-Mahathir” administration sidelined his policies. PPSMI remained in name but not in deeds. Teachers were not properly trained and millions were spent on hardware but little on software and support.  

As a result of poor implementation, the policy was ineffective especially in the rural areas. With the coming of a new government administration the remnants of the old administration quickly moved to seal the fate of PPSMI through its abolition. 

Whatever their political agenda, the effects on the rakyat will be permanent and lasting. As Tun Dr Mahathir succinctly said, “Malaysians will become stupid”.

We do not wish to pick a fight with the Ministry of Education which still believes that science and mathematics are best taught in Bahasa Melayu. We only wish that the Ministry would uphold our Prime Minister’s slogan of “1Malaysia, Rakyat Diutamakan (People First)”. 

Provide the option of learning science and mathematics in English along with Bahasa Melayu, Mandarin and Tamil. Then let the parents decide at the school level. Failing this, parents will decide through the ballot boxes at the national level. 

Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim
Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia (PAGE)
Kuala Lumpur
