Penang. A different planet?

By Patrick Teoh

The bridge to a different ONEMalaysia?

Whenever I cross the Causeway into Singapore I get the feeling that, “Wow! This is like a totally different planet, man!”

Or when crossing the other way, “What the fuck! Baarger! This is like a totally different planet, man!”

I am sure you know what I mean, right?

And if you say, “Ale! So good meh?” going one way and “Where got?” coming the other, then you are:-
a) so blindly patriotic you deserve a medal
b) you’ve been paid to say “Where got?”
c) you really don’t care one way or the other and are awaiting your PR approval from Australia.

Last week I spent a couple of days in Penang. You know, the island up north that is managed by those Opposition flers? I knew something was wrong the minute I crossed over the messy, Federal-funded and built Penang Bridge.

Eh? How come the Rapid Penang buses all so clean one?

Eh? Aren’t those low-cost council flats? How come look so clean and fresh one? With new coat of paint some more.

How can man? These Opposition flers just know how to complain about Federal government not giving them enough money to do things, right? Also they are supposedly marginalising some communities by holding back development and business opportunities right?

Then how come everybody here looks so happy one?

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