Anwar claims statement to police altered

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, March 4 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim claimed his statement to the police following his arrest in 2008 was different from what was tendered as evidence in his sodomy trial today.

He told the High Court today there were stark differences between what was produced in court today, and the copy of his statement given by him to DSP Jude Pereira on July 16, 2008.

Anwar testified that the statement produced in court today was nmot the same as the one his lawyer Sankara Nair had received on November 14, 2008- nearly four months after his overnight arrest at the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters.

Among the differences raised by the PKR defacto leader was the fact that there was an entire page missing from the statement served to Sankara compared to the one he read in court today.

“My point is 112 (the statement) has two versions- sent to us and what is being shown to me now.

“What’s sent to me is not the copy of original,” said Anwar.

He said that the missing page also contained signatures of both Anwar and Pereira.

Anwar also said that Pereira’s name and designation were not included in the copy given to Sankara, while the one given by the prosecution had Pereira’s name and designation.

The 63- year old politician also said that the copy of the statement served to him did not contain the word “sulit” while the one produced today did.


