PAS candidate says threats received through SMS

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani, The Malaysian Insider

JASIN, March 4 — PAS candidate Yuhaizat Abdullah admitted today to receiving threats through a SMS that his vehicle will be vandalised if he continues campaigning in the Merlimau by-election.

Yuhaizat confirmed that he received the SMS last night while he was on his way to a ceramah.

“I was shocked when I received the SMS but I am confident that the police can control the situation,” he told The Malaysian Insider.

The SMS reads: “Geng jebat derhaka will continue to terrorize at PR ceramah which become a stage that divide the Malays. If you want any incidents of vehicle break-in at Chinchin and Jalan Pahlawan to repeat then come to PR cermamah tonight and the next. Warning you car’s safety will not be guaranteed.”

The SMS was also received by Malacca PAS state secretary Harun Mohamad and three other party members.

Harun had earlier lodged a report at the Jasin district police headquarters and claimed that the perpetrators are from Barisan Nasional (BN).

This morning, BN candidate Roslan Ahmad denied that his camp has been trying to provoke the opposition, saying PAS was running out of campaign ideas.

PAS has constantly accused Umno of resorting to “dirty” tactics by intimidating voters and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) members.

PAS has also accused Umno hooligans of torching a DAP stage and breaking into cars parked in front of the party’s operations centre.

On Sunday, leaflets were distributed in Merlimau with spliced images of Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his accuser in the ongoing sodomy trial, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

The leaflets also featured Ummi Hafilda Ali, who has gone on the stump in the campaign to attack Anwar over sodomy allegations from when he was sacked as deputy prime minister in 1998.

PAS leaders have also warned that the party may retaliate if the authorities did not stop Umno’s “constant provocations”.


