So Silly Sulaiman – Exclusive Photos!

By Sarawak Report

We can predict one notable absentee from Taib’s pre-election political rally at the recently completed Borneo Convention Centre (just one of the major building contracts he awarded to his family company and put in the hands of his own sister Raziah).  The absentee will be his own son and Federal MP, Sulaiman Taib.  But Sarawak Report can perform a public service by reassuring people that the rumours that Sulaiman is dead are untrue.

In what can only be described as a stupid stunt, Sulaiman Taib has posted a picture of himself on Facebook, posing as ’Death’ rests a symbolic hand on his shoulder! 

The Chief Minister’s younger son, who likes to be called Rahman when in North America, appears to have been responding to the widespread rumours that have been flying around Kuching for months that he is indeed dead! Judging from the sweat shirt worn by the skeleton figure, Sarawak Report can suggest to curious constituents, concerned to know his whereabouts, that he is in Canada!

In the Facebook posting, which can be accessed by 1,591 facebook friends, Sulaiman acknowledges the waves of speculation about his state of health and possible demise, which have carried on since he dramatically dropped from public view well over a year ago. However, he airily dismisses such concerns.  In one entry dated February 15th he declares:


