Pakatan Rakyat bites the dust, again

The Kerdau and Merlimau by-election results are out. As expected BN did it again, with the fifth consecutive by-elections since Galas and Batu Sapi and most recently, Tenang.

In Kerdau BN’s Syed Ibrahim polled an increased majority to 2,724 votes against PAS’s Hassanuddin Salim where else in Merlimau, BN’s Roslan Ahmad enjoyed an increased majority of 3,643 votes majority against PAS’s Yuhaizad Abdullah. Turnout was at 83% and 78% respectively.

The performance is really encouraging. BN’s increased in majority in Kerdau rose by 33% and in Merlimau, it is a handsome 68%. The majority BN polled in both area actually surpassed the votes polled by both PAS candidate. In Kerdau, BN’s majority is actually 16% more than what the rakyat voted for PAS where as in Merlimau it is a whopping 57% more than what Yuhaizad polled.

It is very clear that not only this is a twin whammy for PAS, it is also a big blow for Pakatan Rakyat. Particularly, defacto leader Anwar “Mat King Leather” Ibrahim. The former-abuse-of-power-convict and now facing a second time sodomy trial, was literally shred to pieces by Ummi Halfida Ali three nights ago in Temerloh. Retreating in humiliation in front of ‘imported’ supporters, the partyless-Opposition Leader was hailed with bishop’s nose in the next immediate venue of Felda 22, North of Temerloh.

Felda issues were something PAS candidates banked on in this by-election. It was the same tone as the one seen in Tenang. It did not catch on with the Felda settlers.

PAS could never deal with local issues. The national issues which Pakatan Rakyat attempted to be brought for the consumption for both DUNs demonstrated that the spinning and manipulation of  facts could no longer hold water. Especially when they are unable to provide practical solutions for voters if and then when they win. The performance in states that they already enjoying the pleasure of ruling exactly since three years ago speaks for who they really are.

Pakatan Rakyat’s wet dream of rakyat’s discontent is confirmed over. Tides have turned and BN under PM Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak’s leadership and his ’1 Malaysia’, coupled with the Economic Transformation Plan and Government Transformation Plan is on full steam ahead. It is time for the Federal Government to deliver, despite the gloom world economic climate.

Pakatan Rakyat lost its pride. The unholy-marriage-of-backstabbing-strange-bedfellows post the ‘Political Tsunami’ of 8 March 2008 12th General Elections which unprecendentedly amassed 82 comfortable Dewan Rakyat seats has now since lost 6 of their own MPs defecting out as independent. The poor and weak leadership of PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was capitalised fully by the power-by-deceit Prime Minister aspirant Anwar.


