DPM: Lottery ban shows how PAS treats non-Muslims

By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, March 8 — Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin waded into Kelantan’s anti-gaming row today, claiming PAS’ lottery tickets ban reflects the Islamist party’s treatment of non-Muslims.

Muhyiddin added that he would leave the matter to the community to evaluate for themselves PAS’ “real attitude” and behaviour as the federal government’s stand was clear.

“We do not need to explain the federal government’s stand on this matter because the problem only arose when there was a conflict between what is usually practiced and the new ban introduced by the PAS government,” he told a press conference in Parliament today.

The Deputy Prime Minister said that the issue had caused the non-Muslim community to feel dissatisfied as they felt that the ban was an infringement of their rights.

“The community regard the ban as an infringement of their rights because they say that based on existing laws, it is not wrong (to gamble), and due to that, their (PAS government’s) action has triggered feelings of dissatisfaction.

“It is also a sign of PAS’ real attitude and how they treat the non-Muslims,” he said.

When asked if the federal government planned to intervene on the Kelantan government’s decision to impose the ban, Muhyiddin said that MCA had already taken up the issue.

“I understand that MCA has taken up the issue. Maybe they might want to report it to the authorities. I have not received a full report on the matter,” he said.


