The cyber war is heating up

Written by: Dr. John Brian Anthony

It is an open secret that BN wanted PR to split and get disunited. Their agent in this blog  is trying their best to get PKR and SNAP supporters to quarrel by providing misleading information and planting seed of doubt in DayakBaru. SNAP is very much a part of Pakatan Rakyat and Edwin being a principled political leader is trying his best to organize SNAP into a potent force to beat BN in seats allocated to SNAP by PR.

The Sarawak printed media is owned and managed by BN and thus don’t be too quick to get swayed by BN misinformation tactics. If BN can use misinformation as tactics I do not see why PR cannot use the same tactics. Therefor please do not be too fast to make conclusion on the matter of PR component party stance. As is usual, small coffeeshop talk can be blown out of proportion and discuss in a manner that is way out of the truth. BN feed on this opportunity and put it into the ears of PR supporters to confuse them.

My advice is please stay focus on the big pictures of bringing change to affect a brighter future for Sarawak. What we have today is unacceptable under BN.

Focus on similarity and not the differences

Actually it is best we do not discuss the topic on the “differences” of PR components but rather focus on our similarity of wanting to end BN rule in Sarawak. The BN cyber trooper is paid to spin stories and given budget to conduct cyber war with us ordinary bona fide blogger. The cyber blogger  intended to keep PR supporter confuse and use divide and rule tactics to cause our mind to choose differentiation between the PR component party and therefor started disagreement and quarrel among the PR supporter .

Who in PR would benefit from being influence by BN cyber troopers? The cyber trooper is even especially designed to ensure that  PRS / SPDP would win at the expense of Dayak who wanted change to get out of Taib control. It is selfish and it is totally to protect Taib’s personal interest to hold on to power.

The unfortunate thing is that these cyber troopers are willing to sell their soul to Taib even at the cost of selling the Dayak community rights, interest and future. They have no sense of pride towards the Dayak community.

BN cyber trooper are real person and  professional saboteur

Since you know that BN cyber trooper are real people and paid to do their job, Dayakbaru need to have a strategic thinking to counter their war. We know that we discuss real issues but cyber trooper insist on interrupting our discussion. The cut and paste tactics is to irritate us and the tactics of writing irrelevant information is to divert and distract us. Ignore it please!

Election is coming soon and the BN cyber trooper is getting active – very active. There is no need to be distracted by their feedback and writing. But then try to understand where their thinking come from. Most often they do not have a mind of their own. They follow what their leaders said blindly. That is the attribute of BN supporters – people without clear thinking and reasoning but to follow blindly in the name of loyalty to the party. Even their land is sold by their leader it is acceptable to them.

BN supporters cannot take action over their own thinking

I met recently in Kuching during the BN convention some friends attending the program in coffeeshop. They spoke of their dissatisfaction over BN government and they encourage me to work very hard to change the government. Of course I have a good hard look at them. They attended BN function and yet they do not agree with BN. Instead of making the decison and taking action for themselves they asked me to take action on their behalf. Is that not a helpless mentality?

I am sure the same is happening to DayakBaru. They agree that BN is marginalizing the Dayak but they cannot take action to follow their own thinking and reasoning. They would have many “restriction” that they impose upon themselves. They expect others to take action on their behalf. Are you one of this type of people? If you are, I suggest you make the change in yourself. If you don’t, we will be forever under BN and our rights and future will be entrusted to them for them to do whatever they want with us. That would be a real shame and misfortune we craete upon ourselves.


