The Najib SMS debacle highlights the incompetence of DAP and how out of touch they are

Before research was done, they were quick to jump the gun and accuse the government of unethically obtaining mobile numbers of all Malaysians.

By Yong Ming Hui

I am a DAP supporter. I admit I voted for DAP for all elections, but this Najib SMS debacle takes the cake.

First I would like to make it clear that I am in the IT profession, and from the start of the controversy over the SMS greetings, I have observed and noticed how the opposition party made careless mistakes in handling this issue.

Their first issue was jumping into conclusions without consulting the proper IT professionals on the required process to send bulk SMS. Before that research was done, they were quick to jump the gun and accuse the government of unethically obtaining mobile numbers of all Malaysians.

This is the most ridiculous accusation ever. They’re either completely ignorant or deliberately insulting the intelligence of their voters. Let me clarify the process required to actually send bulk SMS using your OWN infrastructure.

Nobody is so free to copy all the celco customer database so they can use their own infrastructure/software to automatically send SMS.

This has to be the work of the celco services offering their ‘ad’ based bulk sms services to external parties, and they don’t need to tell that external party the customer details.

The question the opposition party should ask is:
1. Whether consumers were being charged for the SMS.
2. If not, then if the telcos are charging the government, where did the government get the budget to do this, and how much was used?
3. If no money was involved, and all were voluntary sms by celco for the government, then target the celcos for nuisance sms.

All these sound like sour grape potshots that are UNIMPORTANT and the opposition party is wasting time debating useless issues like this and also, from the looks of the accusations, never consult IT pro kah?

What’s that technopreneur Tony Pua doing in DAP?

And that Jeff Ooi, come on, he couldn’t have not known about bulk sms issues! He was the numero uno champion against MAXIS years ago in a similar case!

You think it is so easy for putrajaya to …
1. Consolidate all databases which could be on different sql servers like oracle, ms, or others.
2. Pick out the right database table, relations.
3. Interface with all 3 telco’s OWN customized Application Programming Interface to send an SMS? Different telcos require their own direct leased line to access those API.
4. Write a MULTI-THREADED app and load balance it to send millions of SMS in 1 day or a few days before the SMS?!!

The biggest joke is on DAP.

Jeff Ooi had experience but chose to not research properly.

The other one at fault is Tony Pua. Oxford grad known for ‘technopreneurship’ but can’t be bothered to do basic investigation or find one IT server back-end programmer to consult?!

DAP is really a huge butt of jokes in the IT circle now.

This fiasco highlights that DAP’s candidates only have academic credentials and zero substance and common sense.

They’re so out of touch with the people. They did not even make the effort to ask the right IT professionals about the SMS issue and how it could be done, before making silly accusations that are now springing back to slap them in the face.

DAP, stop wasting our time with childish antics. Every controversy is a missed opportunity if you do not conduct your research properly before shooting your mouth off.

Now you’re a total joke among IT professionals like us who are pro-DAP/Opposition!
