Where does SNAP stand today?

Dayak Baru

Election is coming near and the Pakatan Rakyet it seems is still not able to nail some very key issues. One is that on seat allocation and the other which is the more important issue of “Where does SNAP stand today” in Pakatan Rakyat. The SNAP issue has to some extent affect the perception of the young voters of Pakatan Rakyat ability to work as a team. It is going to hurt PR.

Is it intended by SNAP?

SNAP seemed to be challenging PKR instead of BN

28 Dayak seats

That might seemed to be a rather odd observation but I cannot help noticing that SNAP insist on standing on all 28 Dayak seats except 1 that is Ba’kalalan for Baru Bian. I must say that it is an impressive claim or it maybe just posing for future negotiation. We will never really know the truth. This is a more serious then a game of chess as the future of Sarawak is at stake.

Press statement: Finance is no problem to SNAP

This is very nice to hear as we all know that “money” is key to winning election. That make me wonder where will SNAP get that easy money from as PKR do not operate on “money no problem mode”. Is there a hidden source of SNAP money. I cannot imagine that certain personality in Malaya or even Zaid are in the position to guarantee “money no problem” situation.

The only possible source is either BN or even the Prime Minister Najib himself.

How can that be?

How can SNAP possibly received money from BN or the Prime Minister  if it is with Pakatan Rakyat. That would put a large question mark on SNAP leader’s integrity.That make it more confusing unless SNAP has intention to claim their place in BN.  If so, why not just say so in order to preserve the good name of the party?

I remember vividly that SNAP was never sacked from BN but due to technical reason it was given time out to sort out their technical problems. Can SNAP then be a platform for Dayak in the opposition?

During Batang Ai by election, TING LING KIEW, SNAP Deputy President at that point in time met Najib and pledged SNAP support for BN. It was summed up that SNAP never left BN and is still a BN component at Federal level while it elect to be opposition at State level. That is a more confused situation for SNAP supporter to understand.

Certain amount of money allocation were given to SNAP operative under Ting  during the Sibu by-election to deliver the vote for BN which they did.


