Anwar Clutching At Straws – tit-for-nothing

Hantu Laut

As a last desperate attempt to salvage his reputation Anwar Ibrahim is clutching at straws trying to divert attention away from his controversial sodomy trail to imbecile implication of Najib in the Altantuya murder case.

Read here how he tried to flog a dead horse, a tit for tat, a case proven not linked to Najib.

Here is a totally irresponsible reporting, torrent of innuendo, gossip, lies and half-truths. Insulting the intelligence of Malaysians. I am pretty sure Najib has more brain than brawn, there are better ways to bump off people, certainly not using your own bodyguards. There are hired killers who would do it for next to nothing. Why shit on your own door steps ?

Think ??? Who hired the two?

Najib is not on trail, he is.

The people of Malaysia is still waiting for the pictures he promised to produce to show Najib with Altantuya. Not one has surface so far. If it was taken by a film camera there must be negatives somewhere or if it was digital an expert can still retrieve those images from the memory card. Worst still he allowed his PKR’s master forger Tian Chua to doctor a photograph and upload it to the Internet.

How do you trust a man who is capable of telling lies not once but umpteen times and is prepared to allow fabrication of evidence that did not exist.


