‘Stop attacking Anwar or out come your skeletons’

Ummi Hafilda’s former business partner warns her that if she does not stop attacking the opposition leader, he will bare it all.

By Tarani Palani, Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: The former business partner of Ummi Hafilda lashed out at the latter for attacking Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim during ceramahs at recent by-elections.

Speaking to reporters in Parliament today, Beginda Minda said he could no longer stand back and watch while Ummi took pot shots at Anwar’s morality when she herself was no stranger to scandals.

“She was involved in a scandal herself in London with me. Where are her morals?” he asked, without elaborating.

Beginda, who is the Sarawak PKR fund-raising bureau chief, also threatened that he would travel the length and breadth of the country to expose more secrets about Ummi if she refused to stop.

Ummi is the sister of PKR deputy president Azmin Ali and a witness during Anwar’s first sodomy trial in 1998.

She had been keeping a low-profile until the Merlimau and Kerdau by-elections earlier this month where she campaigned for Barisan Nasional.

Ummi was paid but what does she get out of it?

Beginda also claimed that Ummi would have been paid for taking the stage to spew venom on Anwar.



