Time to speak up and help MACC

By Terence Fernandez, The Sun

THE focus of the authorities is now on the Tourism Ministry. The rumour mill was all abuzz last week with talk that its minister, Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen, is stepping down following investigations by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) into the awarding of its 2011-2013 advertising and promotions contract valued at RM381 million.

Ng has since dismissed the rumour as an early and bad April Fool’s Day joke. We will leave the matter to the experts to conduct their investigations although I can confirm that theSun has been asked to provide information to the MACC, which includes news clippings of our interviews with Ng and her friend Juni Ewe.

The MACC was particularly interested in a Feb 10 article in which Ewe had commented on her role in a bid for a contract by Impact Creations Sdn Bhd of which she is a consultant.

Ewe, the main person behind Impact Challenger Sdn Bhd, said she did not want to put the minister in a tight spot with regards to awarding of contracts to cronies.

Last Friday the MACC paid a visit to the ministry as well as Impact Creations as part of its investigation into the Tourism Ministry. I agree that we should not go on a witch hunt, and it is only fair to Ng and Ewe whose names have been mentioned, that they be given the chance to defend themselves.

In this respect, Ng must be commended for opening her doors to the MACC. In fact, she says that she had “invited” the MACC to quickly conduct its investigation so that her ministry may continue with the business of drawing tourists without the inconvenience of this investigation halting progress.

She had also “set the record straight” over one of her sons’ alleged involvement with companies, middlemen and individuals wishing to do business with Tourism Malaysia, denying any conflict of interest involving either her or members of her family.

At the same time, there is talk within the corridors of Putrajaya as well as the halls of Menara Dato Onn and Wisma MCA that only politicians from a certain party are being hauled up by the authorities. If this is the case, then it is a sad testament of our legal system. One would have thought that political considerations should not be a factor for the MACC or police when carrying out their duties.

After all, the prime minister had repeatedly stated that no one is above the law. The Bar Council which has a bone to pick with the chief justice’s implementation of KPIs often says that justice hurried is justice buried.

But in this case, it would be best to put to rest as soon as possible the issues that have dogged the Tourism Ministry for years.

The reputations of many people are at stake – some deserve it but many others do not merit the bad press and perception that has painted everyone with the same brush.

Unfortunately, some of these holy innocents have themselves to blame as they keep mum and turn a blind eye to the wrongdoings under their noses. Now is the time to speak up and help the MACC to get to the bottom of the pile.

Keeping their silence may only result in them realising too late, that they may be the ones left holding the baby, while the real perpetrators laugh all the way to the bank.
