Earthquake Rationale

By John Doe

According to the Prime Mister of Malaysia, Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor, Japan’s earthquakes are caused by humans. She basically blames Japan’s environmental neglect and climate change for the disaster. Her husband, Dato’ Sri Haji Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak, has chosen to remain silent on this issue instead.

According to the Australian Broadcast Corporation,

Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara said Monday that the calamity that hit his country was “tenbatsu,” or divine punishment, for the wickedness of the Japanese people.
“We need a tsunami to wipe out egoism, which has rusted onto the mentality of Japanese over a long period of time,” he said. “I think the disaster is a kind of divine punishment, although I feel sorry for disaster victims.” He later apologized.

So I guess it’s not man’s fault that earthquakes occur, right? 

Christian on YouTube Says Japanese Deserved Earthquake and Tsunami For Being Atheist

How many Pastors preached that “similar message”? How many Pastors told you that it was the “Original sin” of Man? The sin allegedly committed by Adam and Eve which continues to plague Mankind? Well, how many people actually read the Bible? Yes, including those who claim to be Christians? 
Genesis Chapter 2 plainly states:
“15  And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

 16  And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

 17  But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”

Seems innocent enough, right? Read it again. Adam and Eve had NO KNOWLEDGE to separate Good with Bad. Obedience with Disobedience. In fact, there was nothing in their “morality system” which told them “Right from Wrong”.
Think I’m kidding? Read Genesis 3
” 22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil…”
This basically affirms that prior to the eating of the fruit from the Tree-of-Knowledge, Adam and Eve had NONE whatsoever. They had NO IDEA what was good or bad, and could NOT have made that distinction at all!! Now, why then is eating the fruit proposed by the talking snake a Sin? BOTH Adam and Eve had no idea that the Talking Snake was not a Circus-Show, nor did they know that it was Sinful to eat the fruit.
Did I hear that Sin causes Death?? Well, shove this verse to your Pastors, the second half of Genesis Chapter 3:
” 22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever ….”
Adam and EVE was destined to die even BEFORE they gained knowledge. It is the second Tree which was previously not prohibited, and they had yet to discover it in the Garden of Eden. The tree of life (Heb. עץ החיים Etz haChayim) in the Book of Genesis is a tree planted by God in midst of the Garden of Eden (Paradise), whose fruit gives everlasting life, i.e. immortality. Together with the tree of life, God planted the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:9). According to some scholars, however, these are in fact two names for the same tree.
Well, sorry to announce that the scholars are clearly wrong. This is fully supported by the fact that Genesis 3:22 plainly states that “… lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever ….” If it were the same tree, Adam and Eve would have been immortal. But Adam and Eve did in fact die, and unless you tell me that the fruit which they ate was a defective one, the logical conclusion is that they had not gotten to the second tree, which was NOT prohibited in the first place as commanded in Genesis Chapter 2:16-17.
Had they eaten the “Tree of Eternal Life” first instead (because it was NOT banned), they would have perhaps lived forever AND become smart after eating from the “Tree of Knowledge”. So the argument is that Adam and Eve had no knowledge of good & bad, BUT were punished for it, even though, they could not have possibly made that distinction prior to eating from the Tree of Knowledge.
“I believe and therefore it’s true …” defense argument again? Well, Rosmah certainly believes that it was Japan’s environmental neglect and climate change for the disaster. I guess there’s no need to ask her for an explanation nor apology then …. After all, she does believe it. The TBH Lawyer also believes that TBH strangled himself, and UMNO believes that whatever they do, is NOT called Corruption.
Long Live UMNO!!! Malaysians are indeed stupid enough. Perhaps that Tree of Knowledge is still around, and has not gone extinct. Any horticulturalist wants to identify that Tree Species? Malaysian could certainly use a dose of it!! The rest of you is highly advised to go for some seismology lessons before making fools of yourselves attributing “reasons” for earthquakes.
