‘PAS stance on Malay bible enlightening’

By Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: Catholic bishop Dr Paul Tan Chee Ing has welcomed as “enlightened” the stance of the PAS Ulamak Council that called for the unconditional release of the impounded copies of Al-Kitab at ports in Kuching and Port Klang.

Speaking to FMT in his capacity as Bishop of Malacca-Johor diocese, the prelate, who is also president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, said:

“Christians must be glad that there are political parties in the country that are able to extract this issue from the emotive context in which it has, unfortunately, been embedded.”

“We see this issue as one of faith education and fostering, not of proselytization. We are heartened that significant quarters in the Muslim community see it in the same light.”

Pas Ulamak Council chief Uztaz Harun Taib has called for the release of the Al-Kitab, several thousand copies of which have been impounded since January at the ports in Kuching and Port Klang.

In a move announced by the government earlier this week, the ban on the consignment’s import was lifted with the provisos that each copy carry a serial number and be stamped ‘For Christians Only’.


