Wan Azizah’s Apocalypse Now

Hantu Laut

PKR (Parti Keadilan) Sabah had its convention at Kinarut, Sabah on 12 March and launched its Buku Jingga (Orange Book), party leaders were euphoric that it would revive the party ailing popularity.

A get together to rejuvenate the party’s health and convince Sabahans that this is the party that will resolve Sabah misfortunes when they took over political power. In greater scheme of things, the return of the 20 points and 20% increment of oil royalty.Delegates were jubilant no less, until Wan Azizah uttered the mother of all blunders, an unforgiveable insult to Sabahans.

Arrogance, lack of political wisdom and insincerity seems to be inherent quality of PKR top leadership.Making false promises is another biological trait they seem to possess. PKR leaders in distant Kuala Lumpur do not know Sabah and do not bother or want to know what the people of Sabah want.

Their only concern is how to grab political power by whatever means, by hook or by crook, does not matter, even citing Egypt’s people power as an example that Malaysians can copy, forgetting that they are inciting a rebellion as the government of the day was elected by the people through a free and fair elections.

Sabah PKR has been saddled with problems the day it opened its door to Sabahans.Just too many to mention.

Anwar Ibrahim is a poor judge of character and has serious deficiency in trusting people. The sacking of 12 of Jeffery Kitingan’s KDM boys by Anwar without giving them a fair hearing was the straw that broke the camel back.He later removed Jeffery as Sabah PKR chief.

Not getting what they promised him ignited the departure of Jeffery Kitingan and the whole KDM’s support exited with Jeffery when he left. Then came new chief Tamrin’s prickly problem of no grassroots support. Removed Thamrin and came another bigger blunder of Pajudin Nordin, an unknown appointed by Party President Wan Azizah as PKR Sabah chief that triggered a revolt in majority of the party’s divisions.Instead of defending her decision she came back to Sabah with the intention of removing Pajudin who preempted her move by resigning and immediately jumped to UMNO.

The convention aimed at bringing PKR back on track as fate would have it, was not to be. Wan Azizah the party president uttered the mother of all blunders what Sabahans hated most, what she must have thought was a smart political move…….promised to legalise all illegal immigrants by giving them permanent residence status within 100 days 0f taking over Putrajaya.

Party delegates were in shocking disbelieve and not at all impressed.They just could not believe what they just heard, the very thing they wanted to get rid off for decades is going to be legalised by Anwar Ibrahim and company.Is this the type of leader that they wanted, that dare to broach the frightening prospect of handing over the state to foreigners. Gaibon Ransoi, deputy chairman of the Tuaran division called Azizah’s statement ‘gila’ and lamented “I am in PKR to fight for social justice and to defend the rights of the people of Sabah, not to help illegal immigrants become citizens”


