Bible Episode – Reap some rewards

Every cloud has a silver lining.

By Ice Cream Seller

Many amongst the Christian community are upset about the recent goings on about the bibles that were marked and numerated (after being impounded and then ‘released’).

Having given it some thought, I would suggest that the church leaders gain as much mileage out of this as possible – every cloud has a silver lining.

Firstly, they should go and collect all the ‘released’ bibles.

Then, prepare and print pamphlets that explain the significance of each of these marked bibles. Do a fund raising exercise – auction, ebay, whatever else – whereby these can be sold both locally and abroad at a premium as a collector’s item.

Collect donations from friendly churches and Christian organisations worldwide and in return give the donors these bibles as a token/souvenir. Solicit this from every Methodist, Catholic, Anglican, AOG, Evangelical, Presbyterian church (and all others) in the 4 corners of the world. These bibles can be displayed in their respective churches like how we display moon rocks in the museum!

More than anything, it will rally the faithful to contribute towards discriminated ‘brothers and sisters’ in the process. It will showcase to the world the highhandedness of our authorities. It may bring funds from far and wide (maybe even Mongolia) that can be utilised to fund further challenges in court that the church may need to take in future or be used to assist the affected people – be it in Borneo or W Malaysia. Establish a scholarship or bursary to help educate students who wish to undertake Christian discipleship training – here or regionally.

No point arguing with ‘lembus’. By their own actions, they may have unwittingly opened a channel for great financial and spiritual reward by their pettiness.

“ALLAH”, Jehovah, God, Tuhan (take your pick) – works in mysterious ways.
