Why Does Our PM Say That DSAI Should Surrender His DNA?

By batsman 

I guess Najib’s comment that DSAI should surrender his DNA (Najib: Anwar should provide DNA sample) makes trial by media official. So since it is open season, I might as well have my say.

What Najib did is a complete U-turn from his previous stand that Sodomy 2 should be left to the courts. So what gives? Why the sudden political interference in the judicial system and especially for this case? I submit that the most likely scenario is that someone has decided that DSAI must be removed from having any influence in the 13th GE. 

For a PM to interfere in a court case is extremely serious. The most powerful man in the country says that DSAI should surrender his DNA. What then should a judge whose promotion prospects may depend on his political masters do – challenge the most powerful man in the country? This is like giving orders to the judge to order DSAI surrender his DNA. Obviously Najib does not have any clue that his position as PM of the country should be handled with more responsibility. 

That Najib may not understand his role as PM is also shown by another comment in his Facebook account (“Give me support and trust as PM,” Najib tells Facebook friends). The PM was elected during the 12th GE, so why is he still asking for support and trust? Does he not know that he now needs to get on with the job? Does he think that he has lost the support of the people? This may actually indicate that instead of a confident and secure PM, we actually have a serial electioneer who has already been scolded by Dame Zainab Badawi of the BBC for electioneering and is still unrepentant and needs constant reassurance. 

That his need for electioneering is evident when he announces he wants to go on a nationwide tour (Nationwide tour to hear and solve people’s woes, says Najib) at the exact time when there is hot speculation that the 13th GE is going to be early. I also wonder who is going to foot the bill for his nationwide tour? 

So if Najib seems clueless about his role as PM and sounds as if he is just a public relations figure and spends money carelessly to boost his public relations image, who is really running the country?
