Azmin: Snap still with Pakatan

Hornbill Unleashed

PKR deputy president Azmin Ali denied a mainstream newspaper’s report today that Snap had closed its door to PKR over Sarawak seat negotiations. He stressed that Snap is still with Pakatan Rakyat and the negotiations will conclude by the end of this week.

English daily New Straits Times today front-paged the statement by Snap president Edwin Dundang that the negotiations between Snap and PKR had failed and the two parties would not cooperate in the coming state election.

He told the daily that SNAP was no longer interested in holding any discussions with PKR.

NONEHowever Azmin (left ), who is in Kuching, toldMalaysiakini this afternoon that he had just had a meeting with Snap leaders led by secretary-general Stanly Jugoh and the latter had given an assurance that Snap will stay with Pakatan to face the state polls.

“I had a first meeting with Snap leaders late yesterday afternoon and the second meeting this morning.

“It was a fruitful discussion about preparations for the state elections. PKR and Snap are discussing the way forward, in term of allocation of seats and candidates,” he said when contacted.

Contrary to the report by New Straits Times, Azmin repeatedly stressed that he was “extremely happy with the outcome of the meeting” but did not provide other details.

“I will brief the PKR political bureau (about the negotiations) this Wednesday, then come back to Sarawak on Thursday to follow up.”

Consensus by the end of this week

The Gombak MP and Bukit Antarabangsa assemblyperson added that the two parties would reach a consensus by the end of this week.

“We believe our common enemy is BN. This is the best opportunity for Pakatan and Snap to capture Sarawak.

“We will continue to discuss and work together before the nomination day,” he said.

Jugoh could not be reached for comment.

Talks between PKR and Snap reached a deadlock after the former wanted to contest 52 out of the 71 state seats, with Snap aiming for 40.


