D-day for Snap, PKR seat-talks

Hornbill Unleashed

Sarawak National Party (Snap) secretary-general Stanley Jugol said he has explained the party’s direction and election strategy to PKR deputy president Azmin Ali.

“He seems to understand and promises to bring up our issues to his party’s political bureau,” he said, adding that Azmin would meet him again on Thursday on the bureau’s decisions.

“I have explained to him our intention to contest in 28 Dayak-majority seats, which I think we have a good chance of winning.

“If the PKR bureau agrees, then there is space for further negotiation. If not, then there is nothing more to discuss with them.” 

In such a situation, Snap and PKR, although component parties of Pakatan Rakyat, would have to compete against each other in the upcoming state elections.

“Then they should not label us as spoilers. Our stand is quite reasonable,” he said.

Jugol said the meeting with Azmin was very cordial.

“After all, we are old friends and have known one another for a long time,” he noted.

‘No rift with Pakatan’

Jugol also said Snap is still very much part of Pakatan, contrary to what was front-paged today by the New Straits Times.

“The paper simply put words into Edwin Dundang’s (Snap president) mouth. It is very dangerous talking to them,” he complained.

Jugol also said it is equally dangerous to talk to Berita Harian andUtusan Malaysia, claiming that these dailies like to twist words or put words into people’s mouths.


